Category: Web Dev

Some SEO tips and good practices

This article is written for the reference of our content writing staff, as we employ in iBronto few content writers and manage some blogs for clients and ventures. It is meant to be a...

Raspberry Pi Tutorials

(work in progress) A. How to mount a USB hard drive 1. First, plugin and then locate the drive: sudo fdisk -l In this example output, I mounted a 256GB SD CARD with the...

The role of a CTO

In this article, I want to discuss the real role of a CTO—the chief technical/technology officer—especially in startups and small to medium companies. I find the CTO’s responsibility almost obvious from one hand, but...

Build your own Social Share Widget

Do you want to add social share buttons to your website, but don’t want to use cloud services like AddThis?  In this post I will show you how you could do it by yourself,...

Facebook Workplace Review

Facebook launched in October last year (2016) the corporate version of Facebook, a genuine and unique version of Facebook for organizations, named “Facebook Workplace“. I have been using Facebook Workplace while developing a prototype...