Here are some lights from my career’s chronology:
1969 – I was born (I was cute, not rough like today!)
1980 – (11yrs) – I joined a Technion young talent computer course. It was the era of punch cards.
1982 – (13yrs) – my brother Ohad (today Prof. Ohad Ben-Shahar, Yale PhD in computer science) and myself got the Vic20, our first PC
1983 – (14yrs) – I started to write for “Israeli People and Computers” magazine.
1988 – (19yr) – I joined the Israeli Military (IDF) and served in Golani unit
1990 – (21yrs) – I got a personal recognition letter from the head of intelligence in the IDF (also head of 8200 unit) for a deep security fault which I found in top secret IDF databases
1992 – (23yrs) – started to learn Physics in the Technion, Haifa
1993 – (24yrs) – I discovered Xmosaic – the first internet browser – and started to build websites. It made me a web pioneer and one of the first internet users/ and developers, ever. I was the Physics faculty system admin assistance, a job I took as part time job.
1995 – (26yrs) – I started “Internet Dimension” that turned into “Teleducation and Internet” which was re-branded in 1998 to “Yodfat Communication” – one of the first web solutions companies in Israel.
1996 – (27 yrs) – my eldest son, Maor, is born.
1997 – (28yrs) – I invented the first multi language internet search, at the time it was named “Pagaz” (“rocket” in Hebrew)
1999 – (31 yrs) – I finished my MsC in Theoretical Physics. In this year, my son Nitay was born, and I sold Pagaz to Netvision, the largest Israeli ISP at the time they re-branded it to “Nana” and I got an agreement to maintain it for two years.
2000 – 2002: I initiated, developed and run huge projects for big companies like Strauss, Elite, Sun Microsystems and others, and was involved with numerous amount of Start Up companies.
2003: I sold Yodfat Communication clients’ portfolio to “Comrax” (still in trade). My daughter Sapir is born.
2004 – 2005: I authored, and published, “Barely Bear Makes Money” which turned into a best seller in Israel due to its unique idea: the book created the first online distributed community – which I already built and lead in practice.
2005 – I authored “Ofer the Fawn” and “42”. My 4th Shaked son is born.
2006 – I was interviewed in Reshet B, Israeli National Radio, where they presented the story of my creations. A couple of months later I moved to live in New Zealand. I was also interviewed, from remote, by Haaretz Daily Newspaper.
2007 – 2009: I worked at New Zealand Parliament as a Senior Business Analyst, specialized mainly in web and web systems. I happened to be around when Parliament published the history of the library book, so my name and picture are documented in that book (scroll to the bottom, I’m in that photo, in the first line 🙂

2007 at NZ Parliament, you can spot me in the first line
2010 – I have been active with multiple startups, and consultancy works mainly for large New Zealand Organizations like Transpower, Powerco and NZTA – till today.
2011 – I married my second wife, Elena. 2012 was the first year we managed to fulfill a different task – to become semi self sufficnet in our NZ farm
2018 – I’m invested and involved in several startups (mainly NZ based and Israeli based, one US based), also holding a network of websites, games, apps and online tools.