Achievements during the covid19 lockdown – 26 March 2020

Today was a really good day – both business wise and from self-sufficiency point of view. It started from an omelette made with veggies collected from our garden which is sort of a daily drill

Then I had two conferences calls with potential clients of Facenition, our clients are full gas ahead and since supoermarkets are our target clients… I hope things will work good for us. Then invested 6 hours in coding…. Usually I balance my time between the farm and Facenition, in those days I’m so busy that I wake up at 7am  and keep working until after midnight.

I said that today was a good day because of some major progress that Facenition made. All our team is still working, remotely. Just before the covid19 outbreak we received funding eligibility statement from a European government (which we will formally announce  and give full details only after we got the funds). As part of the process, we need to get a startup residence permit in Europe, but the embassy which is taking care of our case – in Canberra, didn’t response to any emails. I emailed the European business case manager and got this reply:

Hi Eran,
XXXXX government is working pretty hard now on laws and regulation to limit the Covid19 in XXXXX.
We are expecting e.g. new regulation that will block travelling between Southern XXXXXX and the rest of the country. Expecting to have that in force before weekend.
That should not of course have impact on Embassy in Canberra. But then again, they are responsible for a larger area, Australia, Fiji, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Vanuatu.
At the moment Embassy reports they are overloaded, personnel working remotely.
Unfortunately the Covid19 situation affects a lot on our Startup Visa program in all countries now, and there will be delays.
Because of situation, we will discuss in our team what can be done to overcome these problems.
Anyway, for us it is easy to give you a new statement later if delays are too long. Now the statement is valid only for two months, that is in law, so will take long to change, but we are working on that.
What we can do, if your statement expires, we can give you a new statement. It happens so, that you apply again with the the original application without changing it *at all*.  What you can do, you can change team members. By this arrangement, we do not need to evaluate the case, which we already have done, only grant a new statement with new dates.
Best regards,

Afternoon I started a new project – I wonder if you can guess what is this box and why I placed it in vision from our kitchen window… about 50m away. This is a project in progress, I hope to finish by end of this week:

Keep well,



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