Power outage, preparing our shed greenhouse for planting

If anything could get wrong, it will get wrong – I think that was the original verse (or similar) by Murphy which invented the Murphy’s law. Today I woke up fully energetic to start doing things for Facenition, but we had a power outage. It probably lasted for 6 or 7 hours – I can’t really tell, since I woke up to a no power situation. It was a storm outside and after I invested two hours in shopping last night, standing in queues wearing vinyl gloves, we were worried that our freezer will de-freeze and we would lose our frozen food storage. Well thanks to Wellington Electricity, they connected us back around mid day. The supermarket experience was pretty bad for me – we had to queue outside in the rain which in general is OK but due to my asthma condition, I coughed and got cold and probably scared the other people in the queue. Next time I plan to use online shopping if it is available, it is just too risky to stand outside for people with conditions:


Anyway, storm outside, no power -so I couldn’t really do anything useful for Facenition – I headed to our shed (working outside in the garden during a storm is impossible). I started to prepare our shed for winter planting – I know it looks like a small job but actually, our planting tables were full of junk, the irrigation system was out of tune, and I had to invest all day into putting everything back to place. This is how it looks:


You can see in the photos that some of our plants survived a crisis that we had two years ago in this shed: a white fly attacked all our plants, to the level that we had to kill everything. This is how it looked 6 years ago when my wife was growing tomatoes and cucumber and before I built the beds (I can’t find the more updated photos – will look for them later!):

Anyway, the day was finished with a smoothy made from our green leafs and some supermarket celery. Our harvest is becoming smaller and smaller as the weather is turning really bad:

Keep well, share some positive doings,


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