Necessity is the mother of all inventions – use the covid19 crisis as an opportunity

Lots of people are in limbo state but actually I think that a crisis can give a really good motivation to do things and improve – “necessity is the mother of all inventions”.  I will start this update on some work related things, and then will add some photos from our lifestyle block / farm work and self sufficiency.

First, our Facenition team has drafted our first patent which is related to crowd control in pandemic situations. Our talented graphic designer Lera has illustrated it for us:

In addition, our iBronto team has launched a side gig to help startups in difficulty. Idea is to provide startups with options to sell services around startup ideas – or just get ideas of others for free (#FreeStartupIdea):

Free Startup Idea

Visit for more details.

In our place, we don’t really feel much different except that supermarket journeys became hilarious. I also noticed a huge increase in number of pest animals – rats, mice, possums and others. We continue to work on our self sufficiency project – we got a bit less time than before due to work overload with Facenition, but sometimes it is a good break to get to your back yard and enjoy the fresh air. Everything around is SO quiet!

3 mice trapped in one night. Our average of trapping is now between 1 to 3 mice a day

A rabbit in the back of our house

Some garden harvest for this week:


My new baby plants – cabbage, carrot, kale.. are popping out!

Possums started to appear more often, I would say that out possum invasion had doubled or trippled itself since the lockdown. I can’t really explain this… could be because other people are not trapping or because wild life feels more comfortable without human movement



Keep well  🙂


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